NoCode Tool: EasySend

The insurance industry across the world continues to adapt, generate growth, and maintain overall profitability despite turbulence in the global economy, not including the current pandemic. The innovation and automation insurance technology IT teams have brought in help to find ways to cater to more customers and tend to their digital needs in a fast and efficient way. 

But there is still a lot that needs changing in terms of achieving productivity at scale. A recent McKinsey report states that unlike other industries, which have been able to capitalize on their investments in digital technologies, insurance hasn’t increased its overall productivity in the past ten years. In a similar vein, according to a recent Gartner report, insurance brands underperform when going digital. Some of this can primarily be attributed back to the limited pool of digital and technology evangelists within the industry. 

A new approach coming to these organizations is to use NoCode platforms that allow non-technical resources and employees to create digital solutions at scale. The NoCode shift has accelerated the digital transformation and increased productivity within the insurance industry. 

EasySend is one such NoCode platform enabling the insurance industry to accelerate and scale the development of highly customized, complex, responsive, secure, and compliant digital workflows, making customer data collection simple and enjoyable. 

EasySend is a SaaS company based in Tel-Aviv, New-York, and Germany. It started as a bootstrap startup in 2016. Tal Daskal, CEO, founded EasySend together with Omer Shirazi, COO, and Eran Shirazi, CTO. Daskal is an innovation and digital transformation leader, taking EasySend from an idea to a thriving reality.

EasySend empowers insurance companies to turn manual processes into digital customer journeys quickly and efficiently. Data collection is made executable and straightforward by not only technical users, but also the business team. 

Here’s what’s unique about EasySend:

  1. Move and adapt quickly by building and integrating any customer-facing process lightning fast with templates and back-end integrations purposely built for insurance and financial services. As business requirements and customer preferences evolve, any changes required can be made accordingly.
  2. EasySend offers outstanding customer experience and helps insurance companies meet their digital expectation for their customers. 
  3. With EasySend’s NoCode Platform, enterprises can deliver maximum value with minimum friction by tapping into EasySend’s advanced optimization and personalization capabilities.
  4. EasySend can provide for various insurance and financial services use cases including auto claims, onboarding, policy issuance, personal detail updates, B2B and collective insurance, bancassurance, digital loans and mortgages, and servicing. 

Some of the goals within the insurance industry EasySend can meet include:

  1. Reach more customers, improve conversion rate, and increase form completion rate.
  2. Speed up back-office processing and significantly reduce error rates, cycle times, and customer frustration by replacing paper, PDFs, and legacy code with user-friendly digital experiences.
  3. Implement changes to policies quickly and efficiently.
  4. Make it convenient for your customers by eliminating or reducing manual, slow, and error-prone forms.
  5. Customers can add details and maintain data integrity.
  6. Update agreements and complex workflows that include permissions, multi-person, and multi-signee processes.
  7. Quickly release digital processes as needed for any product launch or general business process.
  8. Improve the handling of customer concerns and drive revenue growth. 

Industry leaders choose EasySend because of the ability to launch fully functional digital processes in a matter of days that are already integrated into their internal system. EasySend has +50 enterprises using its platform. The company is planning to expand its conversion rate optimization tool-kit and add more enterprise-level integrations. 

To win in the new decade, insurance companies have to excel their digital transformation and also bring in tools and platforms to help their non-technical users be participatory and productive. As Gartner mentions about insurance company winners, “In the digital ecosystem, separating the winners from the losers is not based on which digital elements an insurer merely possesses, but often how they translate their efforts into holistic experiences across multiple customer journeys.” EasySend goes a long way in helping insurance companies achieve digital experiences.


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