NoCode Tool: Whatzzznew

Getting feedback from customers and critics is a crucial stage in ensuring that your ship is heading in the correct direction. Whatzzznew is a notification tool that helps you do just that, without being very intrusive.

It’s tough to come up with notifications that fire if a certain condition is met, since NoCode developers are unable to write code.

For example, we can’t send a Google notification to users requesting a review after they have had great customer service.

To accomplish this, Akhhil Thomas created a tool for NoCode creators to do so. You may create toast alerts, give notifications, upsell customers, and more with your data from other apps (Airtable, Hubspot, Stripe, Gmail)

Whatzzznew is a not just notification engine but a marketing tool, as well, that helps startups regulate their notification without being very intrusive within the product. The tool allows users to customize when and how they are notified about new updates, features, or products. Whatzzznew also offers a way for startups to connect with their customers and get feedback on their notification strategy.


Akhil Thomas has been an entrepreneur for almost ten years. He’s launched a few enterprises in his time. Despite being the only person doing business in his town when he started, he continued to pursue his ideas, despite having no prior connections in the field, and ample knowledge about startups. He developed a web application and released it, but he didn’t have a clue about monetization so he kept it free for a long time. After that, he filed bankruptcy. He then decided to join an VC-funded and upcoming unicorn FinTech firm as a product marketing lead for two years in order to learn what working in one was really like. He began to grow tired of his job after a while, so he decided to try something different. He started working on several side projects, but he realized that he needed a method to interact with his clients about the product once he established all of the tools. This is how Whatzzznew was created, and it took him two months to develop and use this in his businesses.

Akhil spends his weekends teaching students and helping them find jobs somewhere else. He conducts some live assignments about Whatzzznew and teaches them how to do Google Analytics and more. However he wanted to remain independent as his small retirement project. And, that if it makes enough money, he plans on adding a person for operations.

One of the future plans for the app is the addition of web hook support. Another is to program an integration for all budget needs.

Main Features

By gathering insights that assist you develop and prosper, you will be able to get the most out of your business. You will be able to strategize a game plan for future development, learn about your user base, and how you can improve the notification process without being obtrusive.

All of this through a notification system and live analytics that give you all the information in one place.

As a startup, we understand the importance of notification without bombarding users with too many features. That’s why Whatzzznew is designed to be simple and straightforward, while still giving you all the information you need to make decisions about your product. Akhil believes that by gathering insights and data, you will be able to get the most out of your business and grow.

Best Marketing

The best way to reach out to new customers online is by using social media. For getting your message across, user reviews are more effective than any other social media post.

Your customers can use Whatzzznew to give you feedback about your product that can be extremely valuable for marketing purposes. You can also use the notification system to make announcements about new features or changes to your product.

The greatest marketing plan is when clients do the legwork for you by posting positive feedback.

Prepare for Scale

Customers of yours who have previously purchased from you are more likely to give a good review if you provide them with timely access. Why not make it easier for them?

Sell on the strengths of your product, not on a notification system that will become a distraction. Let Whatzzznew help you with that. Whatzzznew is a great tool that helps startups by keeping users in the loop, without being too intrusive. It’s an essential NoCode tool for anyone who wants to be prepared for scale.

How does it work?

Create a nudge and customize happy moments to get started. Using Zapier, Nudge connects to your favorite apps and collects your consumers’ great experiences. Customers will be informed when they have had a good experience with your product, making it easier for them to submit a favorable review. The real beauty of it is that all you need is a small time investment of two minutes to get started!

One of the features that we appreciate about Whatzzznew app is its freshness. This program is relatively new in the field. It offers you extra capabilities, which can also aid in marketing.

It’s a fantastic tool for quickly developing as a hobby project. And we believe that in the NoCode sector, this program will reach out to many more people who would appreciate something similar. Because individuals who create web flow websites are well aware of the fact that WordPress has a lot of plugins that may be utilized to do things like this, however if they utilize web flow, it is difficult to discover anything more than web flow that can do more. Furthermore, most people are unwilling to input scripts into it because their website would slow down other activities and that sort of thing. This would be an excellent method for individuals to receive marketing assistance without having to code anything on WordPress.

Whatzznew is a great NoCode tool that can help you save time and money on notification regulation. Keep track of your product development with ease, and receive notifications about new features without having to constantly check for them. Best time to start collecting reviews is right now. Try out Whatzznew today!


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