NoCode Tool: Hadmean

Internal tools, often referred to as admin interfaces, internal software, admin panels, internal apps, admin dashboards or employee tools are specialized pieces of software designed for carrying out administrative tasks within an organization. These solutions are specially tailored to fit the unique needs and processes of each business.

Developing internal tools, admin panels and back office systems are essential components of any business that wish to maximize efficiency by automating various processes. These efforts can involve anything from database maintenance to writing codes for the front-end or backend system. Investing time in such projects allows developers a unique opportunity to create high-value products with tangible results.

Hadmean is a revolutionary, open-source and nocode software that automates the creation of robust admin dashboards, internal applications, and control panels seamlessly from your existing database. The possibilities are endless with its powerful features and unparalleled customization!

Hadmean allows you to quickly and effortlessly create admin apps in a matter of seconds, taking the stress out of finding solutions for your business needs.

By utilizing your database for the purpose of generating internal tools, you can save thousands of engineering hours and direct them toward more exciting projects.

After all, why spend precious time on building or maintaining admin applications when they can be auto-generated? Refocus those resources elsewhere rather than squandering them on laboriously creating what is already readily available.

The Founder of Hadmean and the Story behind its Creation

The founder of Hadmean, AyobamiAkingbade, is a software engineer with 7 years of experience and has mainly crafted admin applications to keep an organization’s backend operations running smoothly.

Hadmean is his first venture into open-source projects, which he started in June 2022, and it truly excites him to let other people access this tool. Though he alsopreviously worked on a few projects, all the other ideas took a backseat as this idea of building Hadmean has captivated him like no other.

The idea for Hadmean started when he had to build a million-dollar startup idea for his cousin. He searched for API generation tools to help speed it up and stumbled upon KeyStoneJS.But then, he found the primitive admin panel more fascinating than the API generation feature that he came for.

And since he couldn’t find a robust app tool with drag-and-drop capabilities requiring no technical expertise, he took it as an initiative, sparked the idea, and created Hadmean—an easy to set up, use and maintain solution for everyone.


Hadmean offers a staggering amount of features, so much that you may even find yourself having to disable some just to maintain the desired user experience. Rather than going through the laborious process of building your own solution from scratch, Hadmean provides everything you need right out-of-the-box!

Below, you’ll find the standout features that make Hadmean the go-to platform for creating internal tools.

Easyto install

At Hadmean, we take pride in having one of the most straightforward installation processes out there. In only a single command- npx hadmean – you can have our robust tool running on your system!

Easy to use

Hadmean is incredibly user-friendly, requiring no technical expertise – its visual interface makes it a breeze to use with almost no learning curve whatsoever!


Hadmean offers unbeatable customization options. With a few clicks, you can easily activate or deactivate any feature visible in the user interface!

Freeand Open source

Hadmean is totally free and open-source, soyou can modify the source code according to your individual requirements.What’s more, since it is openly available, anyone can access the codebasewhenever they want! With Hadmean at your fingertips, rest assured knowing thatmaking necessary modifications will be a breeze.

Language/framework agnostic

Unconstrained by language or framework, Hadmean is compatible with a variety of systems and adheres to an over arching standard that transcends the boundaries of specific languages.

Moreover, Hadmean’s technical capabilities areas impressive as they come: Authentication, user management, roles and permissions for customizing access of each individual based on their needs. CRUD (Create, Read Update Delete) operations along with relationship forms validation to ensure secure data input from the users side — a powerful multi-page navigation system which provides an intuitive dashboard builder in order to quickly navigate through different views. Finally, Automatic Introspection allows you unprecedented control over your system at all times – giving you ultimate visibility!

Steps to build your first tool with Hadmean

It’s easy to get started – all you need is Node.jsand you’re ready to go! To start it up, execute the command below:

Now, your application should be running at http://localhost:3000.Input your credentials and you will have a fully configured admin app up andrunning in no time.

If you’re looking for an example of theastounding possibilities that Hadmean can create in just a single minute, thenyou should definitely check out this remarkable demo applicationand its features now.

Also, to give you a comprehensiveunderstanding of how Hadmean works, watch an insightful demonstrationthey have for you.

And to maximize your experience with Hadmean,be sure to read the provided documentation and join thisDiscord server for community support.

Why should you try Hadmean?

Generating internal tools generally requires the user to start from scratch, dragging and dropping components while wiring them together in order to meet their business needs. Unfortunately, this process has many flaws which can be difficult to overcome.

Using these solutions often require a steep learning curve and technical expertise. Moreover, they take plenty of time to construct and maintain as you must replicate a lot of the business logical ready in your database.

At Hadmean, they transform the way internal tools are created by analyzing your database and constructing a multi-page application based on all the available data. This includes field types, relationships, and constraints—no JavaScript or SQL is needed! Their process is simple yet effective: you can get a working program with little effort.

●     Save Resources

Streamline your workflow and maximizeefficiency by utilizing the constraints already built into your database toautomatically build the UI and forms. This way, you can save time from havingto manually duplicate logic.

●     Open Source

With Hadmean, an open-source platform, youhave the freedom to modify and install as you see fit. Don’t entrust your datawith just anyone – take control of it yourself!

●     Customizable

If you desire a customizable solution that canbe tailored to fulfill even complex requirements, look no further than ourproduct. With the ability to configure everything from front-end elements toback-end functionality, we’re sure it will exceed your needs and expectations!

●     Easy To Use

Searching for a user-friendly internal toolthat eliminates the need to be tech savvy? Look no further! No Tutorial equipsyou with an effortless and intuitive platform, so you can make edits withoutwasting time trying to figure out complicated instructions.

●     Simple Installation

If you’re on the hunt for a tool that can beset up and ready to use in an instant, with Hadmean, you’ll be able to accesswhatever internal tools your heart desires – all in less than 59 seconds, withjust one command!

●     Declarative

You desire an internal tool that iseffortlessly generated, ensuring zero maintenance and no logic bugs. Byutilizing this tool, you will be able to save time and effort without having toworry about errors in your code.

The Future of Hadmean

If you’re looking for powerful internal tools without the hassle of creating or upkeep, then Hadmean is the answer. Not only will it give you an edge over competitors but also save you time and money in the long run -a win-win situation!

In the foreseeable future, Hadmean aims to be a distinguished household name in administrative applications. An app that remains to be easy to use and yet becomes even more powerful and reliable. Not only that, but the founder sees Hadmean providing paid plans within three years -hopefully allowing him to not need his current job and just focus on improving and continuously develop this powerful tool that he built!


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